As a veteran, there are certain things you’re entitled to — and as a veteran with a mental or physical disability, one of these entitlements is financial compensation through the Department of Veteran Affairs’ (VA) disability claims system. This system is designed to give veterans the help they need to live comfortably and independently with their disabilities.
But as the VA continues to become increasingly mired in problems, the chances of your VA disability benefits claim going through smoothly aren’t as high as they should be — which is why you may want to seek the help of a qualified attorney who works exclusively for veterans like you.
Here are the top four reasons why you should be hiring a veterans lawyer to help with your VA disability claim status:
1. Your first VA disability benefits claim was rejected: Having your first claim rejected can be incredibly discouraging — but if this happens to you, it’s important to know that the chances of having your next claim approved significantly increase when you have legal assistance at your side.
2. You have limited financial resources: There’s a popular conception that seeking legal help for your VA disability benefits claim will ruin your finances. The exact opposite is true! There are a large number of veterans attorneys who offer their services on a pro bono — no charge — basis.
3. You’re confused by the VA disability benefits system: The VA’s legal system for allotting funds to veteran claimants is labyrinthine in its complexity. Knowing what to do when you file for benefits can be confusing and stressful when you undertake it yourself, which is reason enough to hire an attorney who handles claims like your own every day.
4. You want the compensation you deserve: As stated before, living as a veteran with a disability or lifelong condition can be hard enough on its own — you shouldn’t have to add financial hardship into the mix. The right veteran attorney can make the process of obtaining VA compensation simple and stress-free — and that’s what you deserve.