Did you know that 27% of Florida’s population will be 65 years of age or older by 2030? However, more than one million elderly individuals in Florida would fall into poverty without Social Security benefits. Social Security is a federal program that provides the elderly, disabled, and widowed with financial assistance, but unfortunately the Federal Government does not accept all Social Security claims. As a result, it is important to seek assistance from Social Security lawyers in order to obtain financial benefits.
1. Why obtain Social Security? This federal program is funded through payroll taxes, and it is able to provide monetary help to those who qualify. For many individuals, Social Security is a primary source of income. In fact, approximately 33% of Florida residents over the age of 65 receive income solely from Social Security. Although Social Security provides financial stability, it is important to get legal assistance in certain situations.
2. Why get help from Social Security attorneys? It is important to seek legal Social Security help if you are having trouble obtaining financial benefits. The best attorneys will not only assist you in applying for Social Security, but they will also help you with claim denials, as well. This is important because more than 70% of Americans experienced Social Security claim denials from September 2012 to June 2013, and 65% of disabled applicants in Florida have been denied. By obtaining the best legal advice, however, you may be able to get the Social Security benefits you need.
Social Security is a federal program that provides financial assistance to individuals who qualify. However, Social Security claims are sometimes denied, so it is important to seek legal representation if this occurs. By doing so, you will be able to experience the advantages of receiving Social Security benefits. Continue your research here: www.hillandponton.com