Thankful is not a strong enough word.
After two weekends in a row of long road trips, you feel more than thankful to be at home. As you watch the news about the millions of people affected by winter storms the last two weekends, you realize how very grateful you are. Some how, with a good deal of planning and a little bit of luck, you were able to avoid any of the most dangerous conditions on both of your trips. One 14 hour round trip to the east only resulted in a slowed times on the way to Chicago and a 24 hour drive down south included just a few places where there was snow on the shoulders and in the middle of the roadway.
Every time that you saw another car in the ditch, up against a guardrail, or spun around in the median you knew that you were fortunate that you were able to alter your route and your schedule to find the best time to drive and the safest route. As others are relying on insurance companies and personal injury accident attorneys after their problems, you are simply at home doing laundry and resting, preparing for the next trip.
Winter Road Conditions Can be Both Difficult and Dangerous to Navigate
If you are someone who has had to contact an accident attorney after a recent winter road event then you know the stress involved when things go wrong on the road. And while personal injury attorneys may have many options that they provide, it is always in your best interest to make careful and thoughtful decisions when you have to travel on road conditions that are less than ideal.
We all know that there are many times when someone else’s distracted or drunk driving can create a devastating situation for families, but it is also important to eliminate our own obstacles as well. Driving late into the night or beginning a trip in deteriorating weather conditions can put you and your family at risk. You want to rely on more than gratitude if you find yourself facing a big winter storm the next time you travel. Altering your schedule or your route sometimes can help, but there are often times when you need to cancel your plans until the roads are in a safer condition. Thankfully snow and ice do not last forever!