If you’re dealing with injury litigation, it is essential that you hire a personal injury attorney to represent you in court. The whole process can get ugly and complicated. If you’re injured, the stress of it can impact your recovery. When you hire a lawyer to help you, you’ll have an expert on your side. Your lawyer’s career consists of representing personal injury clients, so they know exactly how the system works. You’re also likely to get a higher amount of money in your personal compensation, since your lawyer knows how to negotiate with insurance companies in ways that you can’t.
Personal injury victims need the money to pay for their medical bills and to cover their lost wages. This is why it is so important to work with a lawyer. If you decide to represent yourself, you might think you’re saving money. However, you’re likely to receive a smaller payout after a longer process. Many lawyers will also take their fee out of your compensation, so you’re guaranteed not to lose any money. They only get paid once you get paid.

If you’ve been injured in an accident you may be eligible for financial compensation from a personal injury lawyer. Unintenional injuries account for over 130,500 deaths annually. 95% of personal injury cases are settled before any trial. If you or a loved one were injured or caused harm in one of the following three ways, then it may be time to call a personal injury lawyer to get the compensation you deserve.
Dangerous Products
There are millions of chemical, mechanical, and technological products released every year, some of which may not operate as intended and can even cause substantial harm or death. 34 million people are injured or killed each year from product-related accidents. 5% of all tort trials are related to a product liability claim. Personal injury attorneys have the experience needed to tackle complex cases such as these with finesse to ensure their clients receive every penny that they are owed.
Medical Malpractice
When people go to the doctor’s office, they place their care in a physician’s hands. Medical malpractice is taken very seriously, as 15% of all tort trials involve malpractice cases. If a doctor is to blame for injury or death due to inexperience or negligence, a PI attorney can help to make sure that no one else lives through what you had to.
Traffic Accidents
Accidents on the road are responsible for almost 1.3 million deaths annually; an average of 3,287 deaths per day. Semi-Trucks take 20-40% longer to stop than a car, making it no surprise that large truck crashes alone claimed the lives of 3,602 Americans in 2013 alone. A car accident lawyer is a PI lawyer that specializes in automobile-related cases. If you or a loved one were injured on the road and you are not at fault, personal injury lawyers will work for you to make sure the guilty party pays substantial compensation charges.