Halloween: children and adults alike love the opportunity to dress up, watch scary movies, and enjoy the festivities (and candy) with their friends. But going out on Halloween can present plenty of dangers — and not just from the “monsters” seen while going door to door. To avoid hazards on a night of celebration, parents need to ensure that their children stay safe when they go trick-or-treating.
Do you plan to take your children around the neighborhood on Halloween? Here are a few ways to prevent trick-or-treat injuries when you and your children go out on All Hallows Eve:
- Don’t leave kids unattended when walking down the street. Because trick-or-treaters have to share roadways with vehicles, this evening can be a prime occasion for pedestrian accidents. Make sure that kids stick close by the adults in the group, and have the little ones hold hands with parents or older siblings. If you have sidewalks in your neighborhood, make sure everyone uses them and looks both ways before crossing the street.
- Make sure everyone stays visible in the dark. Even though many Halloween costumes are made with dark colors to stick with the evening’s spooky vibe, this can pose a serious danger to kids as they go door to door in the dark. Carry a flashlight or use reflective stickers on clothing to signal to passing vehicles that you’re on the side of the road.
- Watch out for pranksters. One of the easiest ways to prevent trick-or-treat injuries on Halloween is to keep an eye out for those who prefer the “tricks” that night. If you’re concerned about the safety of an area, only stick to neighborhoods that you and your children are familiar with.
- Check candy and treats before letting kids eat them. While the “razor blades in candy apples” warning is largely an urban myth, parents should make sure to check all treats to make sure they’re safe for consumption before kids dig in. This is also a good way to find candy that small children could choke on or items that may have common allergens, like peanuts, cashews, wheat, or dairy byproducts.
Although the holiday may be months away, it’s always important to follow these tips when going out for a walk after dark, too. Bring a flashlight, wear reflective clothing, and don’t walk in areas where you or your family may be unsafe. If anyone does get hurt, make sure to seek legal advice from the best personal injury attorneys, including auto accident attorneys, in your area.
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