Do you know what elder law attorneys do? If you do not you are not alone, as a matter of fact, a lot of attorneys do not know what elder law attorneys do. This video outlines what an elder law attorney does, how they can help, and what services they provide.
Elder law lawyers provide services that help clients find ways to pay for long-term care. At some point, most seniors will need full-time care as they age.
Unfortunately, many seniors think that Medicare will cover all long-term care costs.
Medicare offers a very limited long-term care benefit. This health insurance only covers 100 days of long-term care. The average cost of a nursing home is about $8600 a month. An elder law attorney can step in and help to navigate insurance decisions before the need for full-time care arises. Elder law lawyers can help seniors get on the path to securing insurance like Medicare that does cover long-term care.
Watch this video to learn more about how this type of attorney can help prepare you and your family for long-term care and how to navigate decisions now that will affect coverage outcomes.